Sleep Apnea Symtoms
Sleep apnea can cause you to wake up repeatedly throughout the night and not get enough time in the deep stage of sleep. Over the long term, this can make you feel very tired and may lead to serious health conditions such as high blood pressure or heart disease. Other problems can include memory loss, mood changes and difficulty concentrating. If you have obstructive sleep apnea, you may also snore loudly and keep your partner awake. This can cause stress and conflict in relationships.
Obstructive sleep apnea symtoms is more common in men than in women, but both can have it. The risk of getting it increases as you get older. You are more likely to have it if you are overweight or have a family history of it. People who smoke or have chronic nasal congestion are also more likely to have it. Certain medications can also increase your chance of having it, and it’s more common in people with diabetes or high blood pressure.
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Central sleep apnea, which is rarer than obstructive sleep apnea, is when you stop breathing because your brain doesn’t signal your body to breathe. It can happen in people with neuromuscular diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease), or in those who have had a stroke or heart disease. Some types of surgery can help with this. These include a tracheostomy, which involves cutting an opening in the neck, inserting a tube you can breath through and covering it during the day, or surgery to remove your tonsils or adenoids.